Dressmaker's dummy

When visiting grandparents yesterday, my daughter told that she would like to buy a dressmaker's dummy. Grandma is very talented dressmaker - she still makes all kind of renovations for her friends - and she told that she had made herself a dummy as she was young. She encouraged my daughter to so it herself, as dummies are so expensive to buy (80-300euros) and it is so cheap (only 15 euros for materials) and rather easy to do.

And we decided to try. She came over in the afternoon (and took my son's poodle with her to see me. It is so nice to have the lovely black dog visiting here. Pure joy for me and I think that also Nicke the poodle enjoys visiting me.)

So we made a dummy on to my daughter. She stood and I taped her.

It took us few hours time and three packets of painter's tape, some foam etc. The result was far better than I thought. My knees did not like the task at all. It took a long time (an hour almost) to walk around her while taping. We had to do taping by the open door, as she felt of course so hot inside the thickening cover. Nicke the poodle enjoyed as the door into the garden was open and took his toys out and in…

Sauna in the evening together. Painkillers needed for sleeping.

+0,5c cloudy


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