Place: St Pete Beach, FL 40/53
Main activity: Sun - around the condo
Notes: Slept better - saw 444a and then back to sleep until 601a! Cold and crisp, did qigong and took a few things to the car. Made an egg with a piece of french toast. A little more packing and organizing, place is getting more bare. Did a 1hr session with Lindsey from RogueWays - saw her on JeanClaude and got in quickly. More Canadians showed up today - the couple in this section that I really don't care for. Am ready to get on the road and be gone. Storage unit has been pushed back till Tues now ... and thinking I'll head out Wed so will be a busy week! Need to do get more to the car and get the storage stuff out and just go! And then around 745p, I headed out - VERY unusual. Went to Publix, got some TP, was hoping to find a decent mid-size cooler but no go. Only other place to try - Ace was already closed - was Wal-mart nearby (have stopped buying from them) and found what I needed. Topped off the gas tank on the way back but could only get in $1.11!

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