A Find.....

A quick visit to dad this morning to check on an issue that was raised yesterday from one of his carers. A coffee at the M & S cafe on the way home. Then home to start some sorting. 

We're planning a good clear out of the house ready to possibly move in about a year - depending on the house market!!

But it's still worth having a good clear out anyway. So I started on my huge book collection. Seeing what I have, and what I'd read and could give away and what's next to read. I also have a good selection of gardening and photography books so may be need to cull them to something more manageable...

Anyway, I recently found this tiny jigsaw trinket which I'd bought for my partner. He's an Eeyore type in some ways. It fits inside a matchbox. So I thought I'd photograph it for todays blip.

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