Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Ewe'r Being Watched

1 Year 309 days of UK COVID-19 Pandemic.  First UK/World Vaccine 1yr 47 days ago.  UK restrictions and Overseas travel with restrictions.

Before collecting granddaughter from school, Mrs BB and I headed into Abergavenny as I needed to return an item for refund. I've never seen the town so quiet but I managed to pick up a nice photography book (Masters of Photography) in a charity shop before heading into Wetherspoons for a hot chocolate which was 'table service' as per Welsh Government rules. You get your mug and then help yourself so a bit of a daft rule! Different in England.

I spotted the sheep peeking out the shop door and got a photograph of a couple of women walking past, so engrossed in conversation it was the chap behind them that spied what I was doing!

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