the love of a good man

I look so bad in this picture but I can’t resist recording the love of preschool Isaac. He is unconditionally adoring all day long and it’s going to my head.

Today we had fun times in Lidl, his favourite place. Ha! He loves to get a mini trolley and get things off the list and throw them in his trolley with the grace of an elephant. Very sweetly he got super excited when he found mint aero on the special aisle. I was confused as he doesn’t like it - turns out he was wanting to get it for Ella who loves it. Such sweetness! Naturally we bought it and he’s wrapped it up for her. Home to make chicken pie and then go on a family run. Eve made a big request after school - she wants to try walking home alone. Aaaaargh! I’m not ready! We agreed she’ll walk most of the way and I’ll meet her to navigate the main road. Pray for us both people - I feel a bit sick at the thought but also loving her confidence in telling me she’s ready.


1. Good feedback on my chicken pie which is now nearly as good as Auntie Jackie’s;
2. All three children growing and changing - it’s like being in the best ever garden… only with temptation to muse over the seedlings that once were instead of enjoy the here and now;
3. A quick trip out with my sister.

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