
By JCat

Almost the right brownies!

My friend is coeliac and so can't have gluten. Some time last year I made her brownies, which she loved. So, hearing that she was going down south to spend her birthday with her sister (who is also coeliac) I thought I would make her some more to take with her.
I couldn't find the chocolate I used last time so I looked at a few others, then chose Bournville as it didn't contain any banned ingredients. However when I mentioned it to a mutual friend she said she thought it was on the 'banned list'. Anyway a few texts back and forward and the upshot was....she coudn't eat them!!

Unfortunately she had already informed her sister that she was bringing brownies with her in the morning, so I had now disappointed two people. What could I do? Well the only thing I could do - I found some gluten free chocolate and made another batch!!
Don't worry the first batch didn't go to waste, mmm yummy :)

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