Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

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Last July, in a fit of frustration, I surrendered my driving licence. Various functions were not at 100%. Mostly Meniere's disease which allied to a few other indicators made me consider myself less than roadworthy.

As a former pilot type I set myself a very high professional standard in the air and behind the wheel; therefore when things aren't right I'm not a happy bunny.

Last week I met a gentleman who had lost both legs and one arm. His neck movement etc was very restricted. He was in an all singing all dancing wheelchair; he is able to get on the park and ride bus, drive up his ramp mounted vehicle and get himself from A - B safely. We had a short chat and I left feeling I had met a real battler against adversity.

Since last July I have been an awful passenger, I have tried but I cannot keep my over mobile mouth shut. I have seen some awful cases of bad driving, more so because I am a passenger and have more time to observe those around me, my skills are IMHO superior to some of the numpties on the road at present eg we were confronted by a chap going the wrong way around a 4 lane roundabout 2 weeks ago, plus the latest crop of drivers in their late teens appear to be "road illiterate."

As a quincequonce (Spike Milliganism) I have reapplied for my licence, my freedom, my wheels back. Mrs Booty is very happy, honest, she can hurl abuse at me and know I have no way of grabbing her throat, at least until the sat nag tells me to turn across 3 lanes of the M5. If the above image does not frighten the DVLA into granting my request I shall have to frown.

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