33rd On The 23rd

Married 33 years ago!

If you read yesterday's post, you know how the day began.  ;D)))
AW was actually pleased that I had spared him the work, and I was also pleased for the same reason.

After about four hours of sleep, got up and hand-washed my laundry upstairs.  Very mindfully.  I was also reminded of the old days back 'there', when I did all my laundry by hand at the boarding house where I had a room.  I was done after about an hour or so, and one proud Ellaphant hung her good-smelling load of clothes on the rack.  Then down to the kitchen to clear it in preparation for AW later in the day.  Thankfully he did the supermarket errands.  Prepared my own dish and put it in the refrigerator, ready for AW to pop it into the oven later.  Mid-afternoon, took a much-needed nap and woke up in time to prepare for our guests, Sweed and Benna.  They came bearing gifts.

We had a fabulous evening!  Good food, great music, a round of klaverjassen, a card game (maybe called 'trump' in English), and then two rounds of bridge, my first time ever to play the game 'live'.  Being the slow nitwit that I am, playing live has always been the best way for me to learn anything, online courses being the exception.  Took a lot of theory in while we were at it.  Of course, I don't know when I will get to play again, but that is not important.  Great fun was had by all, and we will be dining at their place later in the week.

THANK YOU for having dropped by these past weeks!  Your visits are much appreciated!

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