Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

The ventilation guys came around 8.30 this morning and were finished rather quickly. Perhaps it took them 15 minutes. I can't remember there ever being ventilation people cleaning the ventilation system since I moved in. I may be wrong and not remember, since I've moved in 2006 when the apartment was new. One of the guys said it was a lot of dirt in the vent room, or what it's called. They also lowered the speed on the fan, so now I have a quiet home without a storm going on in my bathroom and kitchen vents. Apparently another apartment was much worse, I was told. I can't even imagine!
The rest of the day has been spent with all sorts of crafts. These two cards are made for a challenge starting in February, in the same Facebook group as the pockets I made earlier this month. It looks like there's going to be a challenge every month. I've seen a tutorial on how to make these cards and I've almost followed it. The card with the green background is the most like the tutorial. The other one I've changed a bit. Not much, but the text is along one edge instead of across the first card. The papers I've used are far to bright and busy for my taste, nowadays. I've bought them long ago and they've just been sitting in a box. The last couple of days I've been cutting them into journaling tags and lots of tabs to put on the side of pages and cards. A small pop of bright colour is ok. :)

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