Keeping Watch

Another cold day.The cats have the right idea.Dotty and her daughters all snuggled up together.
We have the first bulk load of compost due in so we have given the barn floor a good clean and took the opportunity to have a good tidy up.Burnt a load of old pallets and got rid of some cardboard as well.This area of the nursery has been neglected for a long time and it is nice to start getting it straight.

A couple of deliveries out today and another ready to go.

Boris is being investigated for having a party and unbelievably a birthday cake.The investigation is being done by the Met Police so Boris has nothing to worry about,they couldn't find Downing Street with the aid of Google Maps let alone conduct an investigation.
Obviously nothing else of importance is going on in the world except trial by BBC.Remember when the news reported the news and didn't act as judge, jury and executioner.The news that Taylor Swift (I haven't a clue who this is) doesn't write her own songs was above and longer than the report of the latest in Ukraine.If you are old enough you will remember when the BBC news was the gold standard now it reports whats on twitter.How has it sunk so far and why are we still paying for it.

Am I turning into a moaning grumpy old fart or have I always been one?

Caught up with blip at last now I need to reply and comment when time allows.

Cold and grey again.

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