Farewell to Another Friend

Partly cloudy with a bit of rain, high of 46 deg F, low forecast of 24 deg F. It is getting to be habit, my youngest daughter’s early morning texts/calls. She has to take her son to the bus stop before 7 so she’s wide awake and uses that quiet time to fill me in on any worthwhile info. My oldest calls every day on her way home from work with the same purpose. At least they care enough to contact their old mom even if it’s when she normally sleeps/naps. We had to say good-bye to an old friend who passed after getting COVID. My sister used to work with him so their friendship was actually longer than hubby’s and mine. He was a very active fourth degree knight, holding several offices. Many of his ‘brother’ Knights came to pay tribute. They said a decade of the rosary (a little more than half shown in top left photo), had an honor guard at his casket, were pall bearers and conducted a moving chalice ceremony (bottom right photo) in his honor. The chalice, with his name engraved on its base, will be presented to a missionary priest for his use. Together, these honors created a wonderful tribute to a life well lived. Jerry’s wife died 12 years ago from ALS; they had no children and only one sister who lives in NY. She was so appreciative of all the Knights did. She recognized my sister from FB pics and made a special effort to sincerely thank her ‘for loving her brother’. We were so glad we were able to be there. The flowers were really well done so I’ve included a few sprays. The Knight’s wives prepared a delicious repast so we will not need dinner. As soon as we got home this afternoon, our Knights new financial advisor came by to touch base. We’ve known Rich for years and let him ‘practice’ on us with this new endeavor. It’s time to take a short nap and pull out the Kindles. Thanks for stopping by. Only 62 new COVID cases in the last 24 hours here. Thank you Lord. Please pray for peace to prevail in Eastern Europe. “There’s never a right time to say goodbye.” — Chris Brown

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