Back to work
Back to the regular routine today, with the addition of Austin (and my sister) as still childminder issues.
Austin a little out of sorts today, not sure if he wants something or not, generally a bit “off colour” with a runny nose (possibly teeth but also didn’t sleep well last night). As both hubby and I had to work, and in meetings all morning, my sister kept him suitable amused. Little ones need a lot of attention and get easily bored ….. gold star fir my sister.
Stopped for lunch and although suggested to Austin a little sleep may help, he replied negatively. Fortunately nanny still tried to put him for a nap (laying next to him for a few minutes) which worked. He managed a full 2 hours and woke up happy.
Our daughter collected Austin (then on to collect Caleb), my sister went home (for a rest) and I went out on a visit. Finished late, nearly 7pm, so take away was purchased.
Day off tomorrow (dentist, hygienist, visit to AJ, shopping then collect Caleb). :)
Teddy is a tribute - Remembering Marlene1949
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