The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Dale Vince on Zoom to Stroud Civic Society

He's a local hero around these parts. He's the founder of the Green energy company Ecotricity, and owns our local football team, Forest Green Rovers.

Green gas (from grass) is the way forward, apparently. I'm all for that.

I tested positive again. I also felt a bit breathless and went back to bed for a while. Postponed  a forthcoming trip to London. Attended two other online lectures. One was on Thomas Hardy, the other on Curiosities of London. I'm definitely going to visit the Twining's tea museum in the Strand when I go to the the big city.

I'm coming to the end of my confinement.  Even If I test positive again tomorrow (day ten) I can go out again the following day unless I have a fever or feel unwell. Some people continue to test positive for many, many days, apparently.

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