world in a grain of sand

By kateann

you visit my stall...

the Bob Winchesters came up yesterday and bravely (using a chain saw), kindly (they didn't have to) and efficiently (they cut them up into logs and scored the stumps) took out 3 smallish trees in our front garden. The deal was dinner as payment - but it was so cold that we compromised on M taking a trip to Charlbury for a takeaway.
Today we nipped over to Woodstock for a quick mooch before my other sister and her husband arrived for lunch and to show us their photos of their antipodean holiday. The farmers' market was on and one of the stall holders had clearly been patronising another stall. I got some venison mince for M to eat one night when I'm out - I know it's stupid but I still can't cope with eating Bambi.
We had a great lunch with contributions from everyone, the holiday looked brilliant - camper van in NZ then a week with family in Sydney.

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