
The back end of the summer/early September I had a mole on my shoulder checked. I’m a pretty moley person :-/ and don’t really look at myself (if I can help it ;-D) but had noticed what I thought might be a new mole as it looked a little raised. But by the time I saw the consultant I thought maybe it was a ‘normal’ mole that I had rubbed either by showering or by my bra strap.  I did tell her this but she felt as I had previously had a basal cell carcinoma removed she would remove this one just to check.  It wouldn’t be put through as urgent though.

Just after Christmas they called to make a date and today was the day. I left work after lunchtime, popped home for half hour and then made my way to the clinic in Wimbledon (better than going to St. George’s). It was the consultant I saw at St. George’s that was there to perform the surgery and I was in and out in about 10-15 minutes.  It’s still numb at the mo and not painful.

Poor Rebecca has tested positive.  She had it about a year ago too.  Being self employed she really worries when she can’t work especially as she’s on her own now. Fingers crossed she won’t miss too much and she can get back to work asap.

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