Return to the North

By Viking

Cheeeeeeese Gromit

I headed off to Lincoln today for my final birthday treat. Purely by accident I had seen an advert on Facebook for a place in Lincoln called the ‘Cheese Society’ so messaged a good friend to see if she wanted to meet in Lincoln for the day :-))

We got there late morning and had a wander round (beautifully sunny if a tad chilly!) and then pootled on down to the cafe and shop. Well if you know Lincoln you will know there is only really one hill and yep the shop was about 1/2- 2/3 down it!

Had an absolutely gorgeous rarebit on sourdough and potatoes with melted Raclette to share - delicious!! Then spent a bloody fortune on cheese before having a heart stopping walk back up the hill to the castle.
The main shot is of Tennyson in the cathedral grounds and the extra is of the Jews house built around 1290! I LoVE the history of the UK and Europe

Special thanks to D for the company, for driving down from Leeds to do it and for picking up the tab.

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