Hoy Kirk

If you have had sleepless nights wondering whit like the Hoy Kirk is, then this is the Blip for you.  A meeting today with Rebecca to consider fundraising opportunities.    She also provided an update on Bill Sutherland and Crispin.  A meal in the Pierhead café, so busy it had to turn folk away.  The sea lettuce petals and hibiscus drizzle were perfect accompaniments to my scotch pie. 
I met my pal Ian in the café and took the opportunity to tell him I’d missed him.  When we arrived home we found an invite to a dance in Newtonmore. 
Back at base CMC continued painting the ceiling of the living room whilst I crossed ‘marmalade making’ off my list for another year.  I am now relaxing in my favourite chair, a cup of Clipper tea, and browsing CMC’s copy of Spurtle Monthly. 

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