A gloomy day.

A busy day although I'm not sure why.  Usual kitchen clean, grocery delivery and a lot of time spent working through my new exercises.   Some of them are new to me as they are optional and I skipped them in the past. They won't take as long once I've got used to them. Took a few bird photos but although the day began with some blue sky showing things went downhill and it became wet and increasingly windy.  Remembered that I needed to bulk buy laundry liquid, household sanitiser and bar soap plus other stuff from the Ethical Superstore so got that done. I spent quite a lot and sighed when I saw my bank wanted to send me a one off code to prove I was me.  Chose  my mobile number, no code arrived. Changed to my landline, same thing.  This is par for the course. Clicked on cancel to go back to the Superstore and see if my debit  card would work but the bank then appeared to approve my payment.  Who knows.  No doubt the Ethical Superstore will get in touch if payment has been declined.  I would be perfectly happy with these codes to prevent fraud if they actually worked but they never do.
Went to Strath Community Woodland to do my twenty minute walk.  I think it was twenty minutes, certainly not more but I was jumped on by a very friendly dog, chatted to the owner and photographed some trees in the gathering gloom.  I've discovered the path continues up a field to a wood which I think has bluebells later in the year.  Came back to CBD cream and tea and toast. My knees have stood up well to my walk plus a lot of moving around in the house in the morning.  Very cheering so I'm having a glass of wine as a reward.

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