A time of contemplation

On the phone this morning:

Dr's 1st to check results of chest xray - all clear and nothing to worry about.

Then social services at Bucks County Council Lynne Downs. Had a very long talk with her regarding who I thought was Carol's Social worker. It transpired that Tonderai was a health Social worker and not communities social worker.
I hadn't realised there was a difference. It seems that C now needs another assessment which I've been asking for for months. I'd spoken to LD 2 months ago assuming I was getting somewhere. So today I made a fuss and finally have an allocated Social worker. She will visit in the next 14days and hopefully funding can begin as all my savings are now gone.

More stuff re the house today too. We have a problem Houston. Hopefully Julie and i can overcome it but it'll take extra time oh my.

And breathe have a pink gin N tonic.

Thanks for calling.



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