Another windowsill shot

As I sat reading this morning I heard a noise by the front door. I went and investigated and a box of lowers was there. Fiona had sent them. They are in the two vases on the windowsill. They are beautiful and smell lovely. The sun broke through this morning so I spent about 15 mins outside which was lovely (clearing cat poo, not nice) but my feet were freezing. 
Yesterday Chris had seen on the BBC website volunteers were needed with Covid for a drugs trial. I read the information and decided that it was a good thing so registered. There are 3 groups, care, medication and care and just get on with it. The computer would choose which group you would be put in. I had a missed call yesterday and it took 4 listens to voicemail to get the information and when I rang the number it was engaged so I gave up. I got a phone call today from a lovely nurse on the trial And I agreed to join. The computer has chosen me to have the medication. I am pleased about that as I have developed a chesty cough. I get the pills tomorrow (5days) and just need to complete an online diary for 28 days. Hopefully the data the trial generates leads to an adopted  treatment by  NICE and the NHS. 

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