
By Mindseye

Real Robin

This beautiful little robin was designed and painted by my long time friend B…. she sent it to me telling me she had dedicated it to hub. It featured on a charity’s Christmas card. I saved the image and plan to mount and frame it. I have another robin picture framed too and know just the spot for both of them, in my hallway.

Slept ok, was awake early though…….once I was up and ready to face the day, first thing was a call to Probate office to try and sort out which form they actually want! Started to complete it but by 11 id had enough, so left the house for a breather & a coffee, before coming back to start work at 1pm.

I washed 4/5 of hubs jumpers, just to refresh them before I pass them on to D nextdoor, he’s happy to have them, which makes me happy tbh.

Soup for lunch, a busy afternoon work wise. A quick chat with the Tree Surgeon in conjunction with D nextdoor, who is going to do some work on trees in both our gardens in a couple of weeks time, before heading to daughters for tea n games night.
Always nice to catch up, chat and play games, oh, and she bought me some lovely tulips :-)

I have just watched The Bay, still not sure about it……will stick with it though!

Wont be late to bed tonight, an early start tomoz, meeting sis, then hair appointment, then meeting my friend L for tea :-)

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