Tree House

It’s in the perilous boughs of the tree   
out of blue sky    the wind   
sings loudest surrounding me.

And solitude,   a wild solitude
’s reveald,   fearfully,   high     I’d climb   
into the shaking uncertainties,

part out of longing,   part     daring my self,
part to see that
widening of the world,   part

to find my own, my secret
hiding sense and place, where from afar   
all voices and scenes come back

—the barking of a dog,   autumnal burnings,
far calls,   close calls—   the boy I was
calls out to me
here the man where I am   “Look!

I’ve been where you

most fear to be.”

Childhood's Retreat, by Robert Duncan

It felt good to get out of the room for a bit and go outside for a walk around the yard. I felt cold though, and was disappointingly tired when I got back in. Ever have a few drinks while sitting down chatting with friends, only to realize upon standing up that maybe the alcohol was having a bigger effect than you realized? Well not me. 

Ok sure I have, and today's little excursion was a bit like that.

I did not climb this tree.

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