Leave to garden
Today was not all as sunny as this shot might have you believe, but it did not rain. So, it was a gardening day - with pauses to help Mr B lift beams into place. In fact, an unfortunate thumb injury meant I was allowed to do measuring of distance and levelness, and even screw some brackets in. I'm not sure I performed well though as after two he said it would be best to wait until his thumb is fixed.
Ah well, more time for the garden, and just time enough to get these poor overgrown broad beans in the ground. Hopefully their still slightly clayey, but double composted bed will suit them and, with the weather warming up a little, hopefully they'll have good growing weather. Also it frees up some of the cold frame for the seeds that are currently in the back of the kitchen: it says something about our house that outside is warmer....
Lettuce and radish seeds also found a home and I started work on the potato bed. Mr B is heading off to London tomorrow and taking my little car to the airport - so I will have the truck to bring lots more garden materials home. Now I think I'd better go find a little more of that relaxing red medicine for my back and some more handcream for my sandpapery fingers.
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