A little sign of Spring awakening

It was dry and partly sunny today, just what I needed for my walk to the salon to have my hair cut.  I feel so much lighter now that all that unnecessary hair is gone.  On my walk back, I looked for any sign of flowers starting to open or plants with new buds, and was rewarded with these frilly white flowers on an evergreen hedge. They made me smile.

More medical-related phone calls all more morning.  I got a call from the vascular surgeon's office, informing me that I needed to get an ultrasound of my arm and offering me an appointment in mid-March.  When I pointed out that this was an urgent appointment, I was able to get one for Monday afternoon.  Since it's downtown, Saint Doug will be taking me.  My other important conversation was with a social worker from SCCA, to talk about financial assistance.  It turns out they already had my name in their files and when I get my treatment plan on Friday, I'll be eligible for some financial help in a number of areas.  One possible perk - if I lose my hair, I can get a free wig.

I have no appointments and expect no calls tomorrow, so I'm finally going to get over to Lenscrafters to get my new bifocals started, and have them straighten out my current frame which was bent out of shape when I fell on my face.  I'm really looking forward to being able to see things in focus again!

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