Nellie Travels

By Padstowbabe

The town of Glenarm

Oh look I've inadvertently made a bad!!

Glenarm....the oldest town in Ulster.....who knew!

In all the time I have been coming here I did not know this! Today JJ and I went for a wee wander and ended up walking through the village....pricipally to look for a blip. I was thinking of a blip of the colourful houses anyway but then we came across this sign. If you stand to read the sign and turn all around 360 degrees these are all the roads you see. So I'm sorry but my fingers made a montage again on the computer.....I have no control over them....little blighters!!

I was on a high today and made lots of exciting! Maybe I'll tell you day....if you're good!!!!

Talking of plans.....a wee thank you to Dru for your help today!!

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