By lizzie_birkett

Hamamelis and Cornus

Payday today (pension) so I asked Frank to take me to the garden centre.
I only wanted to get bags of John Innes seed and 2 and 3 composts.
However, once I’m there I’m like a kid in sweetie shop! I also got 2 bags of peat free compost, 2 large rectangular tubs for growing tatties in, 2 pieces of wooden trellis for the Rambling Rose, Honeysuckle and Clematis and then I wandered through the plant section. After seeing Blipper JeanneB’s yellow Hamamelis shrub I thought they might have one and they did! Then I saw the Dogwood (Cornus) and thought the two would look lovely together. I spent a bit too much probably but I blame it on JeanneB! :-D))
Anyway I am very happy now. I just need it to stop raining and warm up so I can go out and do some tidying up. I know it’s still January but I’m impatient!

Today is our eldest Grandchild’s birthday. Poppy is now 12 and growing up fast. I wrote her a poem which is below. I gave up work when she was born and I used to childmind her when she was a baby. Later on when Arlo was born we had them both once or twice a week when Arlo was a toddler.
They were fun times.

Today - surprise, surprise - I made dinner! Lentil Shepherd’s Pie with cabbage cooked with caraway seeds. I said to Frank yesterday that I was going to cook and he thought I was ill! :-D))
It turned out delicious and Frank had seconds. There’s enough for tomorrow too. I quite enjoyed being a domestic goddess!
The extra is the Orchid I blipped last week, now it’s in full glorious bloom.
Frank has a jam session at the pub tonight, I don’t feel like going so I’ll have a quiet night in on my own - bliss! I should have bought some choccy!

Poppy’s Birthday

Hey Birthday Girl-12 years old!
Where did those years all go?
Sunny days in the paddling pool
Winter days playing in snow

Discovering fairy toadstools
Walking down the river track
Hours spent building Lego
Riding scooters round the back

We had fun with you and Arlo
As soon as you came in the door
Remember picking raspberries
And sneaking back for more?

You’re growing up fast now Poppy
But you know you will always be
That special, very first Grandchild 
To your dear old Granddad and me.

Happy Birthday Poppy!

So Blippers, I hope you all have a good weekend. Thanks for the comments, stars and hearts for my Holocaust Blip. 

Goodnight :-)X

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