
After a short week of long days I had another random (I lose my holiday allowance if I don't take it by tomorrow) day off today. It's also my birthday this weekend so I felt like I deserved it.  I started with a really good, back to basics, riding lesson continuing my coach and my efforts to correct a 40 year old habit of tipping slightly forward out of the saddle on my transitions. We're getting there is all I'll say. 

My plan was to get a haircut and then go into town to book an appointment for my present to myself, a new tattoo, but my hairdresser couldn't fit me in so I got sidetracked moving an old tree stump in the garden. As you do. 

After Himself finished shouting at his screen work  we thought we'd try what used to be a really awful, slightly dodgy, old boozer that has just been done up and reopened yesterday. I liked it, he wasn't so keen. He liked craft ales, old men and quiet. I prefer a bit (not mad, I'm too old for that) more 'buzz' and am nowhere near as fussy about what I drink. Which sounds bad but means I'm happy with ale, lager, gin or wine. I made him promise to try it again, maybe not on the last Friday of the month when it's full of 'just been paid' scaffolders.

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