and through the wire...

By hesscat

Crashed Out

We used to live upstairs most of the time, before Arlo. When he arrived we decided, for now, to leave upstairs to the cats, mainly Molly and we've probably only relaxed up here about 20 times inthe past year, when the boy sleeps. 

Now Molly is living with Ms H, I decided tonight we'd try a night upstairs, with Arlo. In the past few weeks, he's been choosing to nap in our downstairs living room with us, rather than in his crate where he gets real peace and quiet. There's definitely a sign he is maturing, slowly. Just the other night, he snuggled in and slept next to Mrs C as she was sitting down... a first! Anyway, it was worth a try upstairs. After about 30 mins of constantly sniffing where the cats had been, he eventually crashed out for a sleep, off and on for a few hours. And I don't recall him sleeping like this much. Jess even joined us on the couch too.

Molly might be away for 3 or 4 months, so plenty time to get Arlo into a routine, and maybe we can get back into our routine too.

Weekend, hoohah! I'm not working. Hoohaha!

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