A very long and tiring day

I finally had my five-hour evaluation at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance this afternoon. On the whole, it was a really positive experience.  SCCA has organized this new patient evaluation in such a way that one never has to feel at a loss. This photo is of my schedule for the day; I stayed in one room and everyone came to me for exams and consults.  Roselie and I had lunch together and then she came back to sit with me after I was dressed again.  I am so glad I was able to have her with me, and she said she was really glad she came, as she learned so much.  (Roselie is a retired nurse.)

So as it stands the treatment plan is for lumpectomy followed by three weeks of radiation rather than anti-estrogen hormone treatment for five years (my preference.)  I already have an appointment for the medicine consult that comes next - I was still in my patient room when they called to schedule it - talk about organized!

I know that I'm in good hands at SCCA and there are a range of supportive services available.  Everyone was female, kind and open to my ideas.  My sense is that if I had to have breast cancer, the tumor I have is the least threatening kind and Seattle is a good place to be.

Now the process begins...

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