My record only.
Blame the senile memory.
Example - I had NO idea when the LEDs Mk l made their debut without Blip. I've just checked - I thought it was "post Alice", only to find it was January of THAT year, in fact it was:-
" 5 years, 10 months, 12 days." ago. (2,113 days)
SO - All I need to do now is see if the replacement pops its clogs before, or after I do.
Oi been a'thinkin' Oi ave.
IF left on 24/7 (Which they are NOT) the original (40W incandescent) would consume
960 W in 24hrs and 6720W in a week
The 4W LED replacement scoffs a mere
96W in 24hrs and 672W in a week = NO contest
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Wrong camera - I've not found my way around the new(er) one yet.
4W Vs. 3W = slightly brighter - BUT - different "Temperature" signature?
It claims 3,000K Temp & 15,000hrs Let's see.
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