Stars and Swirls

The noise of the wind in the trees when I went out this morning was like a train going through a tunnel. I was blown about as I made my way down town to see daughter#1 and hand over a ginger cake.

She sent a message to tell me she was paying a visit to the RBS bank in St Andrew Square, so I met her there and we had a moment sitting on comfy chairs in the large hall, looking up at the star studded ceiling. It’s such a pity they don’t serve coffee into the bargain.

Nearby on another side of the square I saw this window of waves which looked so much like the isobars on todays weather map.

I brought back a haul of vegetables to the Dower House and made a large pot of vegetable stew to freeze. I also brought back hot cross buns, naughty but nice and guaranteed to cancel any brownie points on my vegetable input.

It’s a very blowy but a very springlike day - so far so good this winter.

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