A walk in the park

M said hed hoover so Fletch and I walked up to the park. It started raining when we got there and was quite windy but it was nice to see the rainbow. 
5 minutes after I took this photo we had bright blue sky! ( see extra) Typical uk weather. 

We took our time strolling round, pausing to stop and chat to a lady I often see in the park with her dog. 

I made my way up to where there have always been snowdrops and despite only having my phone camera ( well I thought it was going to rain) I got down to take a photo despite it being a bit damp and muddy. I must return with ' proper ' camera . 

The wind dropped and it was very pleasant strolling round. 
As usual , Fletch was a bit miffed to realise the car wasnt in the car park and we had a slow ish walk back home but he needs to burn off a few more calories . But it did increase his appetite as he soon scoffed his dinner

One thing I noticed today, car drivers were being very obliging and giving way for us to cross the road... A response to the new Highway code rules? 

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