
By HeartFreek

Protecting her ball!!

Lady Linda and her son kindly came and took my garden pots back to her house to look after them until August. I shall be forever grateful for her kind gesture!

I finished packing as much of the kitchen as possible, leaving out the last essentials. I had to repack one box as it was far too heavy!!!

Sam was up from Cornwall dropping his girlfriend off to Luton. Shes flying home to see family in the Ukraine. Sam will be joining her next week to meet the family. Gulp. Fingers crossed the war holds off!

Unfortunately Sam and DN2 have had another spat. Their dad - the F*ing idiot - sorry not sorry - showed DN2 a message Sam sent him about her not waiting up for him last night. Sam was joking when he called her a K*ob Head. She didn't see it as a joke. Typical of their dad to share too much information. Makes me sad when they are unhappy with each other.

Here's Bella keeping her ball safe while she watches me pack!

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