
By StephenF

Last one standing

This hut is all that remains of the original buildings housing St Peter’s Hospital, Chertsey. The hospital was one of the Emergency Service Hospitals that were urgently built around London and other UK cities in anticipation of citizen casualties as the threat of war with Nazi Germany loomed. It opened in 1939. In practice the London hospitals were largely able to cope with the casualties from the Blitz and other air raids. The design of St Peter's was typical of EMS hospitals - a series of hutted wards coming off a linking corridor which, at St Peter’s, was known as The Ramp. After the war St Peter’s was incorporated into the new National Health Service and developed as a District General Hospital serving the growing population of North West Surrey. It is now a very modern hospital complex and this hut, the last one standing, is due to be demolished. I think it's a shame that it can't be maintained, perhaps as a museum of EMS hospitals, given its historic significance.

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