Golden day

It has been very windy.. Malevolent Malik seems to be blowing up a storm.  So, indoors for most of the day.. for the past two weeks my cooker has been burning slow and so I have had the annual marmalade making session on hold. Yesterday the machine was cleaned and today it is roaring ... yipee!! First batch done in record time.  
Between all that I have been doing more family research.. it is weirdly absorbing and getting me nowhere really but I am intrigued that I can trace my connections back so far without joining or paying for any records.  I have now found a goldsmith in Glasgow dating back to mid 1700's .. and I know where he is buried.  Perhaps I will get to see the graveyard one day.. a good excuse to see my friends there at the same time perhaps.
Now to watch that movie about the Mormon handcarts.. 

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