
By flowerdancer

Watching You watching Us

On my way to meet Alison this afternoon for a walk around Glenkiln, I saw these proud Scottish Blackface sheep beside the road so I took their photo. This is partly for reference for some Jewellery I might be making later in the year as well but I really do like the look of this breed. They look perfect in this kind of setting.
We had a lovely walk in the strong wind, it certainly blew away the cobwebs! It was time to take Moss for his walk shortly after I got back and then I joined a Zoom lecture for an hour about Humphry Repton, landscape gardener in the late 1700’s/early 1800’s who is my 4X Great Grandfather on my Father’s side. I use Repton as my Business name for my jewellery and I feel a great affinity with my ancestor in the way I present my drawings of my work. I can see a strong resemblance to one of my Uncles when comparing images of the two men - just goes to show how Genes carry through the generations.
If you are interested, put his name into Google or similar to find out more, I wish I had taken more interest when I had living relatives to ask but it is good to be finding out more and visiting places where he worked now.
I have started knitting yet another dishcloth so I think that is my evening’s work, safe inside from another storm brewing.

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