"Knapp Cross"

One of my subscribers Blipped this yesterday and I was intrigued so much that before today's golf I headed out to see this for myself. He posted it in B&W which I thought odd at the time but the Daffs were withering he explained. I did comment on his Blip that the image might have been better with some colour in it. Here is my version of the Local Churches Cross for Easter Sunday. No offence intended Grant I did like the Blip.

"Every year after the Easter Sunday service the minister and members of the congregation from the local Parish Church hold a short service on the banks of Knapps Loch during which a wooden cross bedecked in Daffodils is erected and it stands on a high point between the road and the loch, a poignant reminder of the religious significance of this time of year."

Grants Blip

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