Bouncing dog

A dog walker and her lively dog spotted this lunchtime.

Sometimes I think that modern cameras are too clever for their own good.  My mirrorless Lumix, which I consider to be my compact camera, has many ingenious functions, some of which I would really appreciate on my old DSLR.  However, it does also occasionally seem to change settings of its own accord, leaving me delving into the menus to work out how to reset to my preferred configuration.  This is probably just my large fingers hitting small buttons by mistake, but it can be quite confusing.  Today a single press of the shutter release, which should be set to give me a single RAW image using the mechanical shutter, was giving me multiple JPEGs using the electronic shutter.  I didn't manage to sort it out properly until I got home. 

Today's pictures are not, therefore, the best quality.  (That's my excuse, anyway.)

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