Jeri's Ginger!

My first words when she walked through the door after spending at least 4 hours in the hairdressers' chair today. It was also the first words of her eldest! It took so long as she needed all the old colour stripped out first. I think it really suits her - as does wearing it straight for a change! 

I miss the days of having creative hair. It does not have the condition now to mess about with any harsh chemicals or strong dyes, and as there is so much of its natural very dark colour I am limited for growing out my grey hair and being creative with that. I do have a Mallen streak at the front which is growing nicely now!

Grace accompanied us over to Jeri's today and it was a lovely chilled out afternoon watching/listening to Theo play a computer game. We had BBQ pulled beef with potato wedges and veggies. Grace had the accompaniments with Vegan sausage roll!

I don't know my work shifts for next week yet. He said he'd call today but no word so far and I won't hold my breath!

I'm not the only one who Blipped Jeri today!

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