Snow Games
I've had a rather lazy and uneventful birthday starting with Hubs making me blueberry pancakes (yum) and then a nice long FT with my parents Then I talked with fellow blipper PhotoMatt which is always great fun (and in this case helpful since he's a long-time Mac guy and gave me some things to think about for my upcoming Macbook purchase)
After lunch we loaded Jax into the car and headed over to our friends' farm where he had an impromptu playdate with Shankly While the dogs rolled around and played chase in the snow, we chatted with our friends Barb and John and their son, Peter (Shankly's dad) All of us bundled up since it was only about 22 outside. Finally, Shankly (who is a Wheaton and very furry) was basically a huge snow/ice ball, so we called a halt to the games and Shankly went in for a hot shower while we took Jax home for a nap.
I have to say that getting the exposure right was very challenging and I can safely say that I didn't get it right. Bright sun, white snow and dogs with very sharply contrasting colors. Still, it is always fun trying to catch them in action. Usually Shankly is much faster than Jax but she was definitely hampered by the snow and ice in her coat so Jax can be seen looking a little full of himself here.
Hubs is taking a nap and I am going to throw another log on the fire (feeling like Waylon Jennings) and curl up with Outlander on my Kindle. And I am going to try not to think to much about the inevitable passage of time.
Dark with green tea "crunch" today.
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