Hazel Catkins.

Early walk at allotment site on a sunny frosty morning - this catkin stood out against a blue sky as it caught the low sun.  A lot of allotment walks at the moment as Ginny has her 2nd season and it is safe from roaming dogs there.  She is sending out hormonal laden messages to all and sundry by increased urine stops and is quite specific about the places she chooses to  stop and pee.  Haven't the heart to tell her that she is wasting her time!  Have been noting the timing of her seasons as I plan to have her spayed which needs to be between seasons.  I am very against what seems to be a current trend to carry this out even before a first season.  Doing the usual thing and reading online articles and ending up "confused.com" So I am probably going to go with my instincts and let another season pass before going ahead.  Now I see there are discussions about method - not sure if the internet is helpful or a case of too much info. Help!

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