Catisfaction Guaranteed

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Princess Normal didn't mean to start something, but she started something.

She sent us cat treats for Xmas, they are called "Dreameez" in the UK, but they are called "Temptations" here. The packaging is practically the same. 

But they are NOT the same. Oh my no. Not according to Jasper. Dreameez are slightly smaller and come in different flavours. Long story short, he became OBSESSED with Dreameez and Tempations simply would NOT do.

So Caro did some smart online shopping and found a Portuguese supplier. In Portugal they are called "Catisfactions" apparently. But in all other ways, they meet Jasper's high standards. 

By amazing coincidence, ANOTHER of his favourite treats arrived today! They are called "Thrive" and they are cured chicken cubes which he LOVES. Again, I have to order them from abroad. You just can't get them here*.

So today's blip is of Catisfactions. And if you look at the extras, you will see a picture of Jasper. Fully catisfied.

Not much else happened today. I had a BOLT of inspiration and wrote a fun story about Cutie the red panda going to "Snowland" where everyone is called Hamish, Dougal, Saranna and Senga so you can take a wild guess what my inspiration was. 

I also had a fun conversation with Ellie. Conversations with Ellie are always a hoot. Today she was raising a purchase order for me and giving me a running (singing) commentary the whole time. It was very musical and very sweary....

ELLIE: Raaiiiising a purrrchase orrrrrderrrrr... doo doo doo... dooooing alll the thiiiiiiings... f**************ck yeeeah. Doo dee doo ba ba bap... And thaaaaat iiiis ittttt!! F*ckin' yeeeeeeeah! Doo doo doo....

It was a fun day. Colour me catisfied too.


* And occasionally they are SEIZED by customs and DESTROYED! Yes! For some effing reason, cured chicken products are BANNED here. Fascism!

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