
By Ezra_Varghese

Its the Sick Day

well life has its ups and downs is what I've learned and today was a down, Debby was comparatively quiet and tired today and she hadn't eaten since the morning and by evening she was puking and it was the scariest experience despite having 3 other dogs I hadn't seen such a site of a dog struggling to this extent and she had absolutely no energy left, so my roommates and I decided to get her some cerelac (baby feed)  and fed her the same out of my hand and she attempted to eat the same as well, but we could see the strugle and she would go back and crawl up into the blanket to sleep, and this is very different from the hyper and energetic debby we all had seen, but through out the day we sat by her and made sure she had everything she needed and by the evening we saw an improvement she could walk and drank some water and tried to jump onto the bed and moved around a little but the same puking and loose stools came back at night and it was very disheartenning and painful to watch that a few of us teared up but we kept her in our arms and did not put her down for even one minute and stayed awake all night hoping to take her to the doctor tomorrow 

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