Camera Obscura

A camera obscura consists of a box, tent or room with a small hole in one side or the top. Light from an external scene passes through the hole and strikes the surface inside, where the scene is reproduced inverted (upside-down) and reversed (left to right) but wit the colour and perspective preserved.
To produce a reasonably clear projected image the aperture is typically smaller than 1/100th the distance to the screen.
Camera obscuras with a lens opening have been used since the first half of the 19th Century, when boxes were used to expose light sensitive materials to the projected image and would eventually be one of the methods that would lead to the creation of photography.

None of which really explains today's image, except that for some reason with me and my brother, lost long ago in the mists of time, one of us always says to the other before we head out to take some shots "have you got your camera obscura".
It also relates to the fact that my brother, my model for this image,  often prefers to obscure his face when I'm taking his picture and I thought what a better way of doing this than with an image of another camera on a shopping bag!
Mind you I've completely blown the comparison to camera obscuras anyway as the image is not inverted or reversed, is in black and white not colour and the perspective has most definitely not been preserved!

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