At Work

It was a quiet morning in the shop today. A man came in to collect a dressing table he'd bought the other day and when I helped him down the street with it to his car I was surprised to see a small hatchback. Even I with my sometimes dubious spatial awareness could see that it wasn't going to go in. Onto the backseat which is what he had planned!! That didn't stop him trying though. So funny! He was an older chap, pretty much off with the fairies. When we tipped the chest onto it's back for one last futile effort he said "Good girl!!!" Then he asked was her allowed to call me that.  I said that I'm forty-seven and it's been that long since anyone's called me a girl he can call me what he likes!!
Obviously we had to carry the chest back into the shop but he took all the drawers, the mirror and the top bit so it was much lighter. I said I'd drop it over to him later but Mr C came and collected it so I was spared the trip.
I've been mulling over taking some space in the shop and seeing if I can sell things which are smaller than sofas. There's quite a few things smaller than sofas!
I've found some nice suppliers of homeware and gifts and asked Mr C about cabinet space. Coincidentally a couple emptied out one of the cabinets today as they're leaving and I've decided to take it on to see how it goes. 
Mr K's all how much do you need to sell over what timescale to make it viable?
I'm all look at all the pretty things!!!
Ha ha ha, we're a match made in heaven!!

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