Big Freeze
by Muse
Today we did our skiing on a sunny day with cloudless sky but at -23C. My fingers were freezing the first 2 kms until I had warmed up sufficiently. The junior suffered more from the cold and turned back before we did. The main blip shows the river and also a flying white-throated dipper. There were two of them diving to the river despite the cold - well the water is a few centigrades above zero so for them it may have been warm in the water.
The streams frozen sides had developed strange ball shaped "mushrooms" of ice and snow - I do not recall such from earlier visits. Naturally this can be due to my poor recalling capabilities.
We on the other had gathered/developed a lot of ice and frost on our clothes and headwear - see the extra for my wife when we were turning back. We ended up doing about 8 km.
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