Mike’s Photo Journal

By iPhone_User

A Pretty Straight Cut

This was a morning I fancied doing a bit of exploring...I like going down roads just to see where they go and what I may find.  More often or not, it's a wasted journey.  But on this morning, there was one of those massive tractor/hedge trimmer things working its way down this rather narrow country lane.  

The neatness of the cut imressed, so I stopped the car, dropped the window down and took a photo...I look at it now and question why... but just a bit quirky I guess.  By the time I had done that, the tractor had worked it's way a bit futher down to where the road was a little wider so I could squeeze through.  

Afterwards, I meandered down various lanes, but could not get focused (forgive the pun) on looking around for anything else to photograh, so went home.  Strange old morning.

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