View from the vaccination centre

Woke up to a calm and sunny morning with not too much extra storm debris.
My volunteering shift was 9 -11am and it was very quiet, not many appointments and the walk-ins weren't doing much walking-in. Will it get busier when those who've recently had Covid can get jabbed?
It is interesting watching the passers-by, and how the type of people changed with time.
Walked home and had time for a couple of jobs before lunch and then did some knitting and some sorting out of stuff. Moving a bookcase to th eunderstair cupboard for shelving means I have books to find a home for, which means I need to tidy up some other bookcases and find homes for (or dispose of) things that don't need to be in them. I've put the less well used maps in shoeboxes, it doesn't give the same plesing effect on the shelves but does mean they can be stored in a more practical place.
News of Mum; she's stabilised so is to be discharged on Weds to a nursing home for palliative care. My sis-in-law knows the home and they'd already identified it as a possible move before the latest health issues. It should be a much better environment than a hospital ward.

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