
A less that average blip today, but one I wanted to record......I only took two shots, the first was blurred as the room was very dark. Taken after we had finished.

Let me explain.  As many of you are aware, our local photography club is organising a Regional Convention being held at Lake Tekapo in October.  We need to advertise this event at the National Convention being held next month in Wellington.  

All the lighting, cameras was set up when we arrived, so we Robert set about filming Norma (our convenor), sitting in front of a big TV with a pristine image of Lake Tekapo behind her.  I was the prompt person, with the script rolling on the ipad.

We had a few takes, Norma messed up her words, the phone rang, the courier driver knocked on the door, and then the prompts were rolling too fast for her to keep up.  Robert also took some close up clips as well which will be cut into the film.  Norma did so well, and the film looked really great when we viewed it.

Its not like me to photograph people, and I've done it two days in a row!!

What a bonza day it has been - Doug and I went for a walk first thing which we so enjoyed.  But, I can't believe it, later this morning he was doing some fencing stuff and he has torn his calf muscle, so the RICE has been applied.  (R - rest, I - ice, C - compression, E - elevation) -  Physio in the morning.  No more walking company.

Club tonight.


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