I was working today and then it was the weekly shop and parcels at the Post Office I tried to whizz round quickly so that I could get a walk afterwards. I really need to spend time outside in my day, looking at trees, listening to birdsong and moving through the landscape. It has become a part of who I am.
For fun, I experimented with taking photos of flowers using a handheld torch. It didn't work very well. I was looking at my neighbour's snowdrops (different kinds from our "ordinary" ones) and then at our hellebores.
We are having a problem with our septic tank just now, and D called out the experts. Good news - they arrived within the hour. Bad news - the man trampled all over our snowdrops and daffodil shoots. D said it was as though he didn't even see them :-( They haven't been able to fix the problem so are coming back, and this time they had better not walk on the flowers!
Sarah and Jess have gone out night-running with the club. They left us a pasta bake so I'm off to put it in the oven.
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